
Showing posts from October, 2021

New Website - New Short Stories

Image  This is my new website about extinct species.  I have added facts, pictures, and pop culture references for over 30 different species.  I have also written several short stories called Lazarus Tales to describe what it would be like for various animals if they were able to return to Earth today. 

I finally published Deader Than a Dodo!!!

October 12th symbolizes many things.  It is National Farmers Day, National Gumbo Day, National Pulled Pork Day, and even International Moment of Frustration Scream Day. October 12th, 2021 also symbolizes for me a day of seeing a life goal achieved.  After 7 years of researching, writing, revising, learning the process of seeking a publisher (a reason to Frustration Scream at times), revising, and finally choosing to self-publish my book, my story Deader Than a Dodo is finally published!  Rather than being a story copied and placed in binders or sent to friends as a PDF for their thoughts, my book is finally a real boy...I mean, a real book. Now I'm  off to learn how to set up sales numbers, market the book, and self-promote which will be a new learning curve.  You can order it through multiple sites like Barnes & Noble or Amazon right now as a paperback.  Since it's self-published, I don't seem to have as much say on the paperback price to start, but I do have more say